By- Sachin Singh Solanki


"No one has ever become poor by giving,” said Anne Frank. Since time immemorial, human civilization has venerated the act of giving something to someone in need as the highest form of love, bonding and compassion. Butit is also true that ‘to give’ is quite a subjective act and each of us has different ways of looking at it. We all give in our own ways.Not all of usneed to roll boulders uphill or capture rushing waters to bring change in the world we live in.Sometimes, all it takes are a few tiny steps. It doesn’t matter how tiny they are and volunteering in any way possible is one such small way to dole out a helping hand to the needy.   


But one may still ask-Why volunteer?


1- We must volunteer as it helps us to locate ourselves firmly in our surroundings.Engaging in the sector of public service delivery not only helps us be better citizens or human beings but also drillingin us values like compassion, empathy and acceptance. For example, conducting a simple workshop can offer constructive ways to engage larger groups of people around issues like cleanliness, sanitation, menstrual hygiene and even sensitive issues like communal tensions and polarization.


2- Another reason to volunteer is to experience a sense of personal fulfilment andachievement through the impact we bring by transforming the lives of people who may need our help. On a personal level, volunteering work has been proven to be conducive to better mental health, but on a societal level, contributing to the society we live in helps in starting a chain reaction of productivity. Being a part of a volunteering experience can offer constructive ways to engage large audiences. For example, HEAALS NGO, a Gurugram-based NGO has a dedicated Mental Health Project to bring forth the issues plaguing the mental health of children and communities.


3- Furthermore, volunteering helps us in creating safe spacesfor individuals to cooperate with as well as contribute to a world that transcends beyond petty profitmotives. The GIVING program at HEEALS is one such initiative that believes in sharing and distributing basic needs in schools, among marginalized communities and orphanages in Delhi, the surrounding areas of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.


4- Volunteering also aids in bridging the gaps between different sections of society and upliftment of underprivileged and the underdeveloped. It also contributes massively to peace-building and stability-building exercises. Lastly, volunteering is one of the most powerful ways in creating resilient societies and building strong community networks. It brings people from different backgrounds and identities to come together taking forward the common goal of empowering people and societies.


If you believe you wish to be a part of the change you want to create, then come and join us.

Looking for Volunteering or Internship Please Contact Us At 

Whatss app :   +91-7982316660 


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