
Internnational Volunteer Program!

Internnational Volunteer Program! Volunteering can make a difference in your own life as much as it can in other people's" -Gaurav If everyone volunteered, the world would be a better place.  Imagine more than eight billion of us volunteering. Limitless possibilities for sustainable development – food and education for everyone, clean environment and good health, inclusive and peaceful societies, and more. Volunteerism is an enormous renewable resource for social, economic and environmental problem-solving throughout the world. As the world faces mounting challenges, volunteers are often the first to help. Volunteers are at the fore in crises and emergencies, often in very testing and dire situations. Call For All Volunteers To Join Us .  Email :  Whatssapp +91-7982316660 Website :

Love & Fear !

Whenever you have been in love with someone ,even for a single moment, was there any fear.  Fear has never found in any relationship where, if even for a single moment ,two person are in deep love. Secret key to fear is Love: if you feel there is fear in your being ,love more. Be courageous in love ,take courage . Be adventurous in love ,love more and love unconditionally.  Because the more you love the less will be the fear. Love People Unconditionally: " Your love will disappear on your every conditions " . If you have some conditions in your mind then you will never be able to love. Those conditions will become barriers . Whenever love happens ,it is a part of freedom . When you fall in love everything looks beautiful,  because in those moments you don't put conditions 

A Heart That Cannot Love Is Poor!

Give Love Through Volunteering And You Will Be Getting More And More Blessedness Through It. ! For Volunteering Program Please Contact Us At :  Email: Whatssapp : +91-7982316660 Website :  


  LOVE AND FEAR ? When fear disappear you become fearless and fearless person is one who never create fear in anybody and who never allows anybody to create fear in him . You will not find fear, if you love deeply . Fear is darkness, it is absence of love. Don't fight with fear ,otherwise you will become more and more afraid and a new fear will enter into your being and that is fear of fear ,which is very dangerous.  In the first place fear is an absence and in the second place the fear of fear is the fear of the absence of absence.  Fear is nothing but absence of Love . Do something with Love  Forget about fear. If you love well ,fear disappear.  If you love deeply ,fear is not found . LOVE ? Whenever you have been in love with someone ,even for a single moment, was there any fear.  Fear has never found in any relationship where, if even for a single moment ,two person are in deep love. Secret key to fear is Love: if you feel there is fear in your being ,love more. Be courageous i

Meet Our Extraordinary Team Member Chiara !

Chiara successfully completed her internship and Now Working As HEEALS Team Member. She share her experience ! We Are Grateful Chiara For Supporting "FOOD And MOOD " Campaign . Where we provide Nutritious Food Packets To More Than 1400 Children and Sanitary Pads For Girls among 8 Schools from NCR (National Capital Region) For Internship Please Send CV at : Whatss app : +91-7982316660. Please Join On Instagram: @heealsindia Facebook: @heeals LinkedIn: Website : 

Meet Our Extraordinary Team Member Chiara !

Chiara successfully completed her internship and Now Working As HEEALS Team Member. She share her experience ! We Are Grateful Chiara For Supporting "FOOD And MOOD " Campaign . Where we provide Nutritious Food Packets To More Than 1400 Children and Sanitary Pads For Girls among 8 Schools from NCR (National Capital Region) For Internship Please Send CV at : Whatss app : +91-7982316660. Please Join On Instagram: @heealsindia Facebook: @heeals LinkedIn: Website :