World Water Day March 22nd -2021

"Safe Drinking Water And Sanitation Is A Fundamental Right For Everyone .It's Fundmental Duty Of Everybody To Make It A Available To Everyone" - Gaurav By 2030,India will have half of the water. Save Water ,The Most Precious Thing In The Universe. The Mahanaryana Upnishad says , Lives of all being are sustained by water. It is the abode of all debts. Water is nectar . More people die annually from lack of clean water than from all forms of violence combined. UN predicts that by the year 2040 ,the world will have half of the water. By 2030,India will have half of the water. We are not only depleting our water resources but also damaging our water bodies ,river etc. By toxic wastes in the water . About 2.2 billion people in the world are living without access to safe water. The day is all about thinking and taking action to tackle the global water crisis.Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030. The theme of World Water Day 2021 is valuin...