Stay Home Stay Safe !Do Your Bit From Home !

Stay Home Stay Safe ! Do Your Bit From Home 

With the whole world fighting against the pandemic COVID-19 and we hope that our readers are taking all the precautions mentioned by the health authorities.

Here are some of the ways through which we can make the most out of your time at home.
1. Online Volunteering : One of the best ways to contribute back to the society can be through volunteering. As an online volunteer we at HEEALS urge all our readers to participate in online volunteering and help their community.
For more details refer to :
2.  Learning new skills: While all the schools ,colleges and educational institutes are closed down we can devote our time in learning new skills online.Various online learning platforms are offering free online courses.So take out time and upscale yourself.
3. Developing healthy habits: Most people believe that habits are formed by completing a task for 21 days in a row. There cannot be a better time than now. We can use this quarantine period to develop new habits. We can take up good habits like “Reading books”,“Exercising” etc.Your habit should become part of your daily routine.

“You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.”
-Priyanka Dalmia


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