Sponsor a Child with HEEALS

At HEEALS we are more aware than most that your money spent well is important to you. Unlike most non-profits, 90% of us are volunteers who want nothing more than to improve the conditions and livelihoods of young and very underprivileged children. So help us help them.
Each day HEEALS comes into close contact with children from genuinely under-privileged backgrounds. We witness,first-hand what it means to them the huge impact an education has on the lucky few.

The schooling they receive is led by dedicated teachers in surroundings that certainly make the most of the very limited resources on offer.Sadly, education for India’s poorest is not free in public and private schools and this places a significant financial drain on the families of young children. 
In recognition of this HEEALS would like to offer the opportunity to alleviate some of the burden by offering the chance to directly sponsoring a child’s educational costs.
The programme gives the option of sponsoring the whole (complete donor) or a part (semi donor) of a child’s educational fees each month with 100% of the donation going directly to the school.
After being assigned a child, all donors will receive an introductory pack (with photos and details of your child’s community)and bi-annual feedback regardingyour child’s academic performance. For “complete” donors there will also be the option of an annual Skype video call and written correspondence between you and your child.
There isan additional opportunity to visit your child and see for yourself the tangible benefits that your donations have given. All forms of communication shall take place in the presence of HEEALS.
Educational has long been proven as the key to lifting children and families out of long-term poverty. Hope is a wonderful gift.
For more information about us log onto: www.heeals.org
Email Us At : communications@heeals.org


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