Kumbh Mela - The Symbol Of Hindu Faith

Kumbh Mela or Events very big events or Mela in India, and around the world, almost 100 million peoples come and visited this Events or Mela.It is held after 12 year. Kumbh is symbol of hindu faith. The name Kumbh Mela comes from Hindi, and in the original Sanskrit and other Indian languages it is more often known as Kumbha Mela. Kumbha means a pitcher and Mela means fair in Sanskrit. In this events Hindus gather to bathe in a sacred river. According to the scholars, it is believed that when Gods and demons were having fight over the nectar then Lord Vishnu flew away with the pot of nectar spilling drops of nectar at four different places; where we celebrate Kumbh melas, those places were Hardwar, Nasik, Ujjain and Prayag . Ardha ("Half")Kumbh Mela is held at only two places, Haridwar and Allahabad, every sixth year. The celebration of Kumbh Mela depends on the position of Jupiter (Brhaspati) and the sun. When the Sun is in Aries (Mesh Rashi) and Jupiter in Aqu...