Menstruation Matters !

Hello everyone! May 28- Menstrual Hygiene Day! In this blog post you’ll learn about how this day initially came to be a thing, why it’s relevant to HEEALS, and why it is relevant to YOU! So, let’s start with some introductions. Menstrual Hygiene Day began in 2013 when an organization called WASH United got together and began laying out plans. On May 28, 2014 (four years ago today!) Menstrual Hygiene Day was really born. Since then, it has blossomed into a global opportunity to discuss issues women face surrounding menstruation and a chance to educate people about these issues. In 2017, India was the country with the most events [1] - we had a total of 67! Hopefully this year we’ll be able to even top that. Since 2012, HEEALS has been doing menstrual hygiene workshops in schools in the Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi areas. These workshops have had a focus on healthy and safe menstrual hygiene practices as well as on the need to address the stigma that is so prevalent aroun...